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[gl02]  The Ecological-Evolutionary Typology of Human Societies and the Evolution of Social Inequality

This is a chapter to be submitted for a collection of essays in honor of Gerhard Lenski edited by
Bernice McNair Barnett
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
P.O. Box 2353
Champaign, IL 61825
The paper will first appear in Essays in Honor of Gerhard Lenski.  Special issue of Sociological Theory guest-edited by Bernice McNair Barnett.
Jonathan Turner, Editor
Sociological Theory
Department of Sociology
University of California - Riverside
900 University Avenue
Riverside CA 92521-0419
  • [gl02app02.doc] Appendix - Empirical Implementation of Ecological-Evolutionary Typology
  • [gl0202.doc] The Ecological-Evolutionary Typology of Human Societies and the Evolution of Social Inequality (Current draft - revised Mar 2003)
  • [nielsensgl.doc]
  • [nielsendbl.doc]
  • [nielsensgl.rtf]
  • [nielsendbl.rtf]
  • [gl02ea01.rtf]  Analysis of EA Data
  • [gl02ss01.rtf]  Analysis of SS Data
  • [gl02ss01sup.rtf]  Supplementary Analysis of EA and SS Data
  • [ethnoatlas3.syc]  Code for Type of Society in EA Mk 3
  • [sccs3.syc]  Code for Type of Society in SS Mk 3
  • [sccs5.syc]  Code for SS File Mk 5
  • [soctypes.htm]  Notes on Assignment of Type of Society
  • [ns.htm]  Numbers of Societies of Different Types in EA and SS
  • [gl02notes.htm] Notes on revision
  • [gl02next.htm]  Ideas for future work

  • Created 13 Jun 2002