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SOCI110 Module 3 - STRUCTURE


In this module you will learn


Organization structure is reflects in the organization chart. The notion of organization structure has 3 components:
  1. formal reporting relationships (as described by the number of levels in the hierarchy, span of control of managers and supervisors,...)
  2. grouping together of individuals into departments, and departments into organization
  3. systems of communication, coordination, integration of work, etc., defining the pattern of interactions among employees


Structure is viewed as constraining the flow of information within the organization.  Contextual variables affect the information-processing requirements of an organization (EX: reciprocal interdependence among departments requires intensive communication; uncertain environment requires greater information processing).  The information-processing requirements determine in turn the suitability of the structure.

Structure is made up of vertical and horizontal linkages with different capacities for carrying information.  These linkages are the nuts and bolts of which structures are made.  The different types of vertical and horizontal linkages are described in the next 2 exhibits.

Minicase:  General Mills (Daft 6e p. 209).  General Mills uses product managers as horizontal integrators.  They are in charge of a specific product line (such as Cheerios or Gold Medal) but have no supervisory authority.  They often have to use persuasion to get things done. For the moment let's try to guess the answers to the following question (we will discuss these systematic patterns when we discuss organization technology and environment):

Q - The need for horizontal coordination increases when

Q - When Emily called the "hot line" of the word processing software to find out how to create paragraphs with hanging indent, she was told by the customer service representative: "This is a complicated question.  Let me ask my supervisor and call you back."  This is an example of what kind of vertical linkage?

Q - A liaison person


Employees can be grouped by activity, output, user/customer, or some combination.

There is trade-off in any grouping: grouping facilitates interactions among employees in the same group, but makes interactions among employees in different groups more difficult.

Q - What is the main advantage and the main disadvantage of grouping employees into departments, for communication among employees:


The implications of different kinds of groupings can be understood by looking at a few "ideal types" of structure.

1.  Functional Structure

Minicase:  Blue Bell Creameries (Daft p. 97).  Blue Bell Creameries uses a functional structure to insure the production of high quality ice-cream.  Major departments include sales, quality control, production, maintenance, and distribution.

2.  Divisional aka Product Structure

Minicase:  Microsoft Corp. (Daft p. 100).  Microsoft has recently moved to a divisional structure with 8 divisions.

3.  Geographic Structure

The geographic structure may be viewed as a special form of divisional structure. Q - Nick Zabor is the vice president of human resource management for his company.  Other officers in the company include the vice presidents of engineering, production, and finance.  The structure of this small company is likely to be ___ ?


In recent times organizations have adapted to growth and changes in environment and technology by developing more complex structures that are composites of the basic types.

1.  Matrix Structure

Minicase:  Worldwide Steel (aka Pittsburgh Steel)  (Daft pp. 105-106).  Pittsburgh Steel (aka Worldwide Steel) changed from a functional structure to a matrix structure to respond to increased environmental turbulence due to inflation, contraction and foreign competition.  Two functional departments, field sales and industrial relations, were kept outside the matrix because they work independently. A unique characteristic of the matrix structure is that some employees have 2 "bosses".  The "matrix bosses" are department heads and program directors. A matrix structure is appropriate when:

2.  Horizontal Structure

Minicase: Xerox (Daft p. 110).  Xerox has reorganized into an horizontal structure in which a set of teams deals with an entire process.  Teams take an idea through all the stages necessary to produce a marketable product.  Each team contains all the necessary knowledge and skills that would have once been distributed among separate functional departments.

3.  Hybrid Structure

Hybrid structures combine elements of the basic structures to tailor a structure to the specific needs of the organization.


Minicase:  Sun Petroleum Products  (Daft 6e p. 222).  To become more responsive to changing markets, Sun Petroleum reorganized from a functional to a hybrid structure by creating 3 product lines, each with its own marketing, planning, supply & distribution, and manufacturing departments.  This product structure coexists with functional departments for refineries, human resources, technology, financial services, etc.


In the information-processing view, the structure must meet the information-processing requirements of the organizations as determined by contextual factors. One can approach the issue of how well a structure fits structural contingencies of the organization by comparing different structures along dimensions of If it doesn't, structural deficiency may be indicated in the following symptoms: Q - When jobs with similar activities are grouped together in an organization, the structure is called ____ ?

Q - When the primary method for dividing labor uses self-contained units, the structure is called ____ ?

Q - Weaknesses of the matrix structure include

Q - "Major advantages of a functional structure are specialization, efficiency, and quality."  (TRUE/FALSE?)

Q - "A major disdvantage of the functional structure is that it is slow to respond to environmental changes that require coordination between departments."  (TRUE/FALSE?)

 Q - A divisional/product structure

Q - The Sun Petroleum Products Company restructured from a functional structure.  It now has divisions for fuels, lubricants, chemicals, human resources, technology, and financial services.  The new structure is called a ___ structure.

Q - "One advantage of the matrix structure is that it reduces the amount of time managers must spend in meetings."  (TRUE/FALSE?)

Q - "A matrix structure is appropriate when pressure exists to share resources across product lines but achieveing high technical quality is not a primary consideration."  (TRUE/FALSE?)


Last modified 4 Sep 2001