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Soci326-002 – Evolutionary Sociology

Module 5 – Human Nature IV – Discussion Topics – 27 Sep 2005

Today's readings cover the last installment on the general aspects of human nature.  Readings are from the 2001 book The Evolution of Human Sociality by Stephen K. Sanderson.  It is notable that Sanderson is a sociologist.  This is one of the first comprehensive coverage of sociobiology / evolutionary psychology by a sociologist (together with books by Pierre Van den Berghe and the book by Joseph Lopreato and Timothy Crippen, and so it should be of particular professional interest for us.  Parts of the readings also illustrate ways in which some of the evolutionary hypotheses can be investigated empirically.  For this meeting I will do things differently.  Instead of listing specific questions I will just list the chapters covered in Sanderson and ask the general question: how are the materials discussed in this chapter useful for the understanding of that particular area of social behavior.

Chapter 10 - Reproductive Behavior --

Chapter 11 - Human Sexuality --

Chapter 12 - Sex and Gender --

Chapter 13 - Marriage, Family, and Kinship --

Chapter 14 - Economic Behavior and Economic Systems --

Chapter 15 - Social Hierarchies --

Chapter 16 - Politics and War --

Last modified 27 Sep 2005